Author: Lawrence Brown

  • February Health Log

    This is the 54th day and the second monthly health log where I do a bit of reflective practice. You can read previous logs here: Jan. All round the results have been solid this month, I’m losing fat at 440 grams average per week. I’ve started preventative physio for my legs, been increasing running volume and…

  • Dog Manual

    The bad news is that this is not a manual for dogs. The attempts at getting dogs to read the first draft were frankly a complete waste of time. Distracted and preoccupied, all subjects showed more interest in being a dog than learning more about standard operating procedures of dogs. With that initial round of…

  • January Health Log

    This year I’m rebooting some plans from last year. The monthly log is still a solid bit of reflective practice, a chance to celebrate any wins and set the attention for the coming month. I put too much pressure on the Hackney Half last year so I’m going to do four half marathons rather than…

  • What if brand X did Y?

    I’ve been a bit of a brand nerd most of my life. Thinking back it probably incubated when I was a kid and spent ages thumbing through the Argos catalogue. Differentiating between electronics brands, product features and prices. With this brand spotting and nerding I often ended up wondering… what if brand X did something…

  • Lightweight Internet Service Stacks

    This research page is being made in public. You will find editing notes and placeholder content. I like making in public, more liberating than an eternity of hiding in a Google Doc. This is an ongoing research page that documents lightweight internet publishing / ecom / social / communications services. The rough goal is to…

  • What’s in my Bag? Part 1

    I have two travel pouches ready to go for short or long trips. One pouch has the essentials for washing and cleaning, the other, technology and miscellaneous handy items. A short trip is going to Bristol from London for the day or stay over. A long trip is a holiday or business travel. Nearly everything…

  • July Training, Not Training

    If you’re reading this and you’re not me, it probably won’t be that thrilling. There are plenty of other content nuggets more compelling and scientific to consume on exercise and health. This is the fourth web post that logs what is on my mind so I can refer back to it later. Read April’s here,…

  • Repairing Water Damaged Plasterboard

    Unfortunately for us, we ended up with a soggy ceiling at the start of 2022. Assumed sealant failure in the flat upstairs allowed some water to escape, with no obviously logical route, it trickled its way down into a ~60cm long blob on our bathroom ceiling. The developers builders swapped the neighbours sealant out and…

  • Photos Feature – Part 1 – Goodbye Instagram

    This month I hit an exciting milestone, 11 years of my Instagram photos are now uploaded to this website and my account at Instagram Facebook Meta is closed. After I downloaded all my data from Meta the photos sat on my hard drive gathering dust for a while and I dreaded the hours of manually…

  • High-end Audio: The iTunes Audit

    You know when you start a thing and pretty soon enough it dawns on you that you’ll be doing that thing for a long, long, long time? And, the more you consider when you might be done, you realise it’s highly likely you will never really be done. I got to that stage a few…