I used Tumblr for years, collecting found imagery in a scrapbook. In one of my rebuilds of this site I ported over all the images. I’ve just (Feb 2024) launched the feature again and will begin uploading the images from my archive. View Scrapbook
Typography on Screen
Back in 2005 I bought this domain to blog about web type. Jack and I had just messed around with Scalable Inman Flash Replacement (sIFR). We wanted to make a catalogue of web type ideas for a uni project. The domain sat unused after the project for 19 years. I’ve bought it back to life with a new idea – stills from films I watch where type grabs my attention.
Techno/House Mixes
View All DJ Mixes. It’s been a while since I’ve recorded a mix. My eyes are on purchasing the Pioneer XDJ-RR so I can jump on and mess about rather than painstakingly planning mixes.
Web Design
The aughts in vogue, so I can call myself a Web Designer again. I document my journey and thinking behind making this website, plan out what is happening and aim to bring my hobbyist skills up a few notches from the 11 years of advancement since I last made websites for a living. Read more here.
A series of curated listings websites that capture objects, homeware and design practice. 🟢 Up and running, porting over content 🟠 Install only, working on taxonomy 🟠 Install only, working on taxonomy
View food page 🔴 Queued for porting content over
View travel page 🔴 Queued for porting content over
Sandbox of Ideas
Sometimes we have ideas and they bounce around in our mind. They are perhaps just chuck away ideas. Or they could be things we revisit. I put them down here when and if I remember or care to. View Sandbox of Ideas
Uechi Ryu Karate
🚨 I struggled to keep up with the pace of training, body coordination and memory that are needed to do a passable effort of karate. I will know when the time is right to revisit this in my life.
At the start of 2022 I joined Terry Daly’s club in East London, graded on March 6th and achieved my first belt. It’s a proper challenge for me, I suck at coordinating my body and remembering body movement routines. The rewards are worth the struggle. View notes and documentation page.